Nebraska, what can I say? It's the "Home of Arbor Day" and it's flat. Moving on... :)
Colorado, a place I have thought about moving to. The drive into Denver from Nebraska is not that exciting. I decided to spend the night just north of Denver in Wheat Ridge, before conquering the mountains. I woke up Wedneday morning, went for a run to see what the big deal of the higher elevation was all about and headed out over the Rockies. All I can say is beautiful.
This was taken in Silverthorne, CO. If you have never driven through the Colorado Rockies, what are you waiting for? My Xterra didn't necessarily like the mountain inclines but she did real well.
Next up... Utah! Quite possible the most beautiful place on Earth! It started out looking a lot like how Colorado looked when I started out, ordinary. And as you can tell from my hair, very windy! Then I turned down 191 to head towards Arches National Park. Ordinary is far from what I found here. My next post will be all about Arches National Park and the rest of what I found in Utah.
I had to clip the northwest corner of Arizona on this drive, about 28 miles. I have been to Arizona many times but never this far north. The majority of the drive is through canyon, beautiful canyon. The last part, right before Nevada, looks like wasteland! Can you tell I love my truck? LOL But since she hasn't quite gotten the hang of taking pictures of me, this is my option. But she looks good by them signs! :)
Nevada is the only state on the way out that I have never been to. Although, Utah and Colorado did really count before since I didn't see much. Southern Nevada, too, looks a lot like wasteland. I have no idea who would want to live in a place like this! I will take a Minnesota winter any time over the summers they must have here. Everything is dry and dusty, ick. Couldn't get out fast enough. On my journey back to MN I will be seeing more of Nevada, but a lot further north. I hope it's a lot different. I know you are wondering if the X finally got the hang of the camera but, no. A couple girls from Montana stopped to take a picture and I asked if they wanted to take my picture and I'd take there's.
Finally, on day 11 I arrive in California. Still hundreds of miles to Oceanside but at least I am in the state! I woke up at Arches National Park Friday morning with 755 miles to my destination. I didn't know how far I'd get but I wanted to make it to California. I contemplated going all the way but was going to see how it went, because I knew that would mean 13 hours behind the wheel (with gas, potty & food breaks). About 60 miles from Barstow, CA and decided I would not make it all the way. I checked my trusty GPS for hotels once I got closer to Barstow and found one with a room available. (so cool that it has the phone #s) That's where I spent the night after driving 10 1/2 hours and 610 miles. It was hot, dusty and again, I have no idea why someone would want to live in this part of the state!
Day 12, today, I had 145 miles left to drive. I am now all settled into my summer home and looking forward to finding adventure to tell you all about! I have some races to run, triathalons to photograph, work to find and pictures to sell. But I am so glad I can kick it down from fast forward to play for the next few months. Stay tuned...
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