I left the volunteer house last evening. I just could not stay with all the things I was learning about the running of the organization. I am sad because all the residents that I met there were very nice people. One of the resident volunteers made sure my air conditioning was working in my truck, without charging me a cent. When he couldn't get it going, he brang me to a friend of his that could. He didn't charge me either. So I would like to thank Darin for having such a kind heart. He is a permanent volunteer there. Well he does get paid, but very little. It's almost an insult to offer him what he does get paid for the amount of hours he puts in there, it would come out to around $2 an hour. The way I was treated, and the way the residents are treated, is a shame! They should be greatful to every volunteer that comes thru their doors, but they are not. Now, if you have been considering doing something like this, don't let this deter you, just find a different organization to work with. There is a great need here.
I am not sure the reason why God has sent me here, but I do plan on letting them know why I left. The man who started the organization and is still in charge actually lives in Maine, I am hoping my message gets all the way to him. Maybe the reason is for me to call attention to the problems and something will be done about it. I'm hoping he doesn't know it's like this, but he might.

When my car was getting worked on I was talking to a resident who has lived there all his life and he said New Orleans is not the same since Katrina. He said you don't know who you can trust. The only people he feels he can trust are the people he grew up with that he is still friends with. Shame on all the people who came into this area to take advantage if these people going thru such hard times. The selfish greed of some people make me sick. And, yes, I know these are not just out siders. He said even people he knew that were displaced to other areas such as Texas, Illinois, etc, came back to the area to con people and then were gone, back to where they relocated to.
About a third of the house here in the lower ninth ward have not been touched since the hurricane. That was 5 years ago! I walked up to the door of the house shown on here and I could smell the mold and mildew coming from within. Some house were knocked off there foundations and sit, crooked, and a danger. A lot of house still have the X that gave information on date searched and if anyone was found, dead or alive.

I guess I dont know what else to say. It's hard to describe, you kinda have to see it.
I am off to Mississippi and Alabama today. Going to drive along the gulf coast. Maybe I will have images of the oil spill washing up on the beaches for you tomorrow. Maybe I can find some good news along the way too, somewhere...
this needs to be probably sent in for publishing... I am almost certain things have not improved much since because you font hear about these stories... for what it;s worth Sherri..Thank you for taking the time to experience this and hear their stories.