I woke up in Sikeston, MO knowing I only had 4 hours of drive time today but didn't need to get to my destination until 3 or 4 pm. I decided to leave about 10am and take my time to get to West Memphis, AR. So today I would be able to stop and take some pictures if the places I see! It was actually only a 2.5 hour drive but I wanted to detour through Kentucky and Tennesee, just because I've never been to Kentucky.
I had time to stop at attractions along the way, unfortunately, there weren't that many. There was a promise of a historical marker 1/2 miles ahead as I was near to leaving MO. No such marker appeared tho. LOL I was happy to leave MO behind. I didn't realize I had to cut thru IL for 1/4 mile before entering Kentucky.
The cross was built 90 feet tall so that it could be seen from the tri-states of Missouri, Illinois & Kentucky. It is quite incredible to see. It is located at the top of a hill right off the river.
The Fort Jefferson Memorial Cross is used for weddings, memorial services, candle light services on September 11th and revivals.
Further down the road was Bardwell, KY where the picture of the BBQ place was taken. Now, I didn't stop there but I bet that would be some of the best BBQ I ever had! This is the type of place that focuses on how they cook the BBQ and not on impressing with fancy unnecessary things.
I found Clinton, KY to be in interesting little town. Those who know me, know I like old & falling down things. The roads were really narrow and I have included a picture here of the bridge I had to go over. When I came up to it, I was not so sure that was a good idea tho. Here are a few pictures of what I found there.
Not sure that these are but thought they looked cool.
Tennesse brought rain as I was comimg up on Union City. Had to roll up the windows and with no air conditioning, this is not a pleasant experience! Luckily the rain storm did not last long and as I was leaving Union City, after stopping for lunch, the rain was ending. I was hoping it would be a little cooler since the rain came thru and it was, slightly.
I love storms but I wasn't lucky enough of get one that had thunder and lighnting this time.
They sure are friendly in TN, as I was driving 65 down highway 51 one of the guys that were mowing waved, I waved back. :)
I have to say in all the states I went through, much to my surprise, Kentucky was definitely my favorite. Today I stay in Memphis and plan on leaving about 8am tomorrow morning for my 6 hour drive to New Orleans. I heard here from a guy at the auto parts store that New Orleans has drive thru liquor store that will mix you up a Margarita. Now that is something I'm looking forward to experiencing!!
again the pictures and writing compliment the experience felt when reading!!! I am looking forward to the next one~