Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thinner, Stronger, Faster

B4 B4 & AfterI have been on a 12 week body transformation challenge with It ended Sunday. Over the 12 weeks I lost 33 lbs which brings the total to 54. I am thinner, then I have been in a long time. This is a before and after picture of me, May of 2011 and April 15, 2012. Little bit of a difference, right? :)  It is possible that I could win $25,000 for first place, or $2500 as one of the runner ups. We’ll have to wait and see what happens there.


Buff Me

Rise & Shine Finish

I am stronger, faster then I have ever been. I will be 46 in a few weeks and I am in the best shape of my life, but not in the best shape I will ever be. I will be training all summer for the half marathon I am registered for on August 26th. For today’s training I had a long run and I did 7 miles in 69 minutes, never even been close the that before. I thank God for giving me a strong body so I can accomplish this at 45, going on 26… I have a 5K this Saturday, hoping to beat my time from the 5K on Easter, 29:33.  Here I am finishing that one.

I will be leaving for California in a few weeks with some stops on the way, arriving just in time to run a 5K in the Strawberry Festival in Vista, CA memorial weekend. Training in San Diego should be interesting. Not as flat there as it is here. But I am looking forward to that challenge. That means when I come back here the flat land will be a piece of cake, well kind of…

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Sunday Rise 'n Shine 5k

11.4.20 ES5k logo lavender

This is where I will be in the morning, actively celebrating life… how about you???

Because there is NO CURE for all the ills associated with lack of exercise…except RxExercise!

Easter Sunday Rise 'n Shine 5k

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Just wanted to share the picture I stitched together from 4 images I shot in Arizona. My first attempt at stitching.

E AZ Panorama2 copy

It's been a loooong time...

I can't believe it's been just over a year since the last time I posted! It's been one hell of a year and not really one to blog about anyway. Some ups, some downs and many lessons learned along the way!

I am now officially laid off, a month early, and making plans for the summer ahead. I thought I had more time to get plans together but here it is upon me.

Since my last post I have lost over 45 lbs and have become a lover of running. My goal this summer is to run a half marathon in August. I recently signed up for a 5K this month, an 8K in May, a quarter marathon in July, a half marathon in August. I am looking at a 10K in Idaho for June. I would love to run in beautiful Idaho, I love road trips, I have never seen that part of the country. All this tells me it's what I should do!

Last summer I hardly took a photo as well, that's how ruff it was. This summer will be different!

Yesterday I did the first art show of the season. Not that great of a turnout, again. But the organizers didn't even bother to advertise like they said they would. I need to rethink my art shows. I have a plan for that, but am keeping that to myself for right now.

It's good to be back. This summer I plan to search for life, experience things I never have before and take some great photography along the way! I hope you come back and enjoy some if it...

I also created a website since the last time I posted, its: